
Staff Writer

What if we lived in a world where children were never taken seriously and the adults didn’t care enough to listen? Let’s say a child goes to a trusted adult and tells them about their problem but the adult dismisses their worries because “You’re too young to have problems.” Or a male child is uncomfortable with something but he’s told, “Man up. Stop being a girl.” Or a different female child is told, “Boys will be boys.” after she says they’re picking on her. Or several children decide to protest in the streets for a very serious life-changing cause because no adult is willing to actually listen to them and they think if they do something big enough maybe, just maybe, the adults will listen. The adults praise them for their protests but do nothing about it. Now the children are upset, they have asked, begged, cried and protested… Only for their words to fall onto deaf ears. Imagine if we lived in a world where children were never taken seriously.

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