E.L.D.S Continued 5 (The Fight of Fights)


Staff Writer

God’s eye has many features in its ability. I have unlocked only one of the many other features. I rarely use God’s eye because the longer it is being used the eyesight of the user starts to get worse causing them to go blind if used long enough. The default ability allows me to put a target on my enemy to know his presence at all times if in range. The feature is the ability automatically turns on once God’s eye is activated making it part of the default. This feature boosts the ability, putting the target on my enemy, by also reading my enemies movement predicting every single move that they are able to do. That isn’t all this feature does within God’s eye ability. When reading the enemy’s next move, targets start showing on the target’s body which points out all the weak spots and opening spots that my opponent has during the move he’s about to make allowing me to counterstrike and possibly avoid all of his attacks. When the rebel attacked me with his furious combo I already knew every move he was going to make even before he made them which allowed me to get a right body shot straight into his ribs without him even knowing until he stepped back.

We stood staring at each other, both in our battle stances waiting for one or the other to make the first move. I turned back to make sure that Orion was alright and not shortly after I felt the rebel’s presence instantly right behind me. I looked behind me and wasn’t there. He was above me trying the take me out with a move that had his hands interlocking aiming for the head. The weak spot in the attack was automatically scanned. I fell on the floor, onto my back, looking like I was attempting to do a kip-up. I started by lying on my back with my legs extended and my arms by my sides.  As I move backward, I kicked my legs straight up in the air as hard as I could. When I felt my momentum starting upwards, I pushed hard with my hands on the ground. Before he even reached me with his attack I already launched my counter. With the two-legged kicked from a kip-up, I aimed for his biggest weak spot which was his stomach and I connected with my attack. Right after my attack, I felt his left hand grip my left leg making me unable to retreat which allowed him to land a strong blow to my stomach with my right hand. Once he connected his attack he let go and we both leapt back from each other. We both had the air knocked out of us from both of our gut shots. Once we both regained our air we launched at each other once more. I swung with my right arm and missed and he tried to go for a head heel kick but also missed. We both kept swinging and none of us connected any of our attacks until I went for a low body kick as a decoy and did a full three-sixty and landed a right hand straight to his helmet, but at the same time he threw a left-handed punch which also connected to my helmet at the exact same time as my attack. We both were launched back by the attacks that we landed and at that point, I realized that we are evenly matched in this battle. I wasn’t gonna, I thought I had to stop this fight though. We went hours doing the same thing. Missing most of our shots but both landing lethal blows to each other simultaneously. Both exhausted with nothing else to do, but only tire ourselves out. We both were breathing heavily and I could tell he dropped his unknown ability and so did I so the negative effect wouldn’t kick in. We were about to launch at each other once again when I stopped suddenly when I felt the power he was building up. He was gathering the remaining power he had into his right hand and I knew this was gonna be his final attack. I also started building up my remaining power in my left hand.

“I’ve had enough. I’m gonna end this right now!” the rebel said yelling exhausted and angry. His Power around his right hand was so powerful that you can see the color of his aura. It was pure power that he was showing that took the color of a dark purple and I wasn’t about to be outmatched. I let out a loud scream trying to put every drop of power into my left arm. The power that I was gathering also let out a bright blue color. Once the power was done charging for each of us, I was stunned when I saw that the power wasn’t only letting out a color but they also made forms of creatures. The rebels were a dark purple which resembled the Dark Dragon while mine was a bright blue that resembled the Ice Dragon. One thing was for sure and that is if one of us overpowers the other it will result in death.

“Here I come Arc Soldier!,” the rebel screamed while rushing towards me without hesitation.

“Bring it you rebel!,” I screamed back at him starting to rush also. When we both met in the middle we loaded our fists up and fired them connecting fist to fist. The two colors collided creating dark purple and bright blue lightning striking the floor from the force and power of our attacks. Both of us still trying to overpower each other using our fists that had collided and were still in contact. None of us moved. After all that none of us moved which made the destruction and force around us worse. Finally, unexpectedly, We both retracted each other and flew back crashing into ruins around us. Using all my power in the last attack I blacked out once I hit the floor. That was the last thing I remember in that fight. The fight of fights has come to an end.

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