Study Tips


Staff Writer

With the end of the semester slowly approaching, and SATs, plus regularly scheduled class testing leaving students on edge, effective studying is imperative. Here are a few tips to keep you on track!

  1. Always study at a desk or a designated workspace.
  2. Either listen to wordless music or be in silence to help you concentrate.
  3. Have snacks nearby so you don’t have to interrupt your studying to go get them.
  4. Never study in the dark, it will strain your eyes.
  5. Inform everyone around you that you are trying to focus, so they’ll be less inclined to distract you.
  6. Re-read things until you understand them; don’t give up!
  7. If you are studying from a textbook, read image descriptions, titles, subheadings, and footnotes first, then read the actual text.
  8. Put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” or turn it off to eliminate the temptation.
  9. Time your breaks so you don’t lose motivation.
  10. Writing things out helps you remember them.
  11. Do not take breaks too frequently, or you’ll get nothing done.
  12. You are less likely to remember something if you review it when you’re exhausted, so if you stay up late to finish your notes, re-read them in the morning.
  13. Always review, and always go through everything a couple of times.
  14. If you have questions, email your teachers, they want to help (Do not email them late at night, they won’t answer till earliest being the next day)
  15. Do not take notes in pen. Everyone makes mistakes!

Hopefully these tips will come in handy the next time you are struggling with studying. Good luck with all of your exams Miners!

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