The Holidays Have Changed


Staff Writer

Now that we are all half-grown or more, and in high school, everything is different; from who we hang out with to what we do outside of school. This includes holidays. Halloween was almost non-existent to the general public this year except for knick-knacks and Spirit stores. It was almost like no one cared until the night of. …Sound familiar? Like that one paper you haven’t written yet? Or those notes you missed? How about that math worksheet? Being a teenager means procrastinating a lot of things, even Halloween. Especially when our options are limited. You can either go trick-or-treating (most of us are too old for that), go to a party (on a school night), or stay home. I am, sadly, the latter. Staying in all meant night passing out candy to babies who aren’t even sure how to remove the wrapper yet, which is cute and all, but it gets boring fast. How about a scary movie? Not scary enough, almost ever. I hope everyone who left their cave of solitude for Halloween enjoyed themselves! We will all probably skip Thanksgiving, like our test retakes, and go straight to Christmas. So,;’\ Merry Christmas Miners!

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