Mormon Community Mourning Mothers and Children Killed in a Brutal Attack


Staff Writer
Three mothers and their 14 children set out on a Monday morning in a caravan of SUVs leaving a religious hamlet in Northern Mexico for a wedding. Knowing the danger in the area, they were sure to travel by day to avoid it and knew to travel together. However, on this particular day, a gunman shot bullets at one SUV killing a mother and her four children. A gunman opened fire a few miles east on other vehicles killing the other two mothers and two children. Because of the bravery of one of the sons, 13, who was shot in the foot and still managed to find a baby under a seat living and a few of the children. He walked them to hide behind a bush while he walked 14 miles with his shot foot to find help. A helicopter later found the living children and flew them to safety. Though it is not clear how this brutal attack unfolded, prayers are being sent to the families for their losses in this time of grief. Many families are affected by these losses of the massacre and Mexico’s new president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who has questioned the historic efficacy of the war on drugs, is ceding ground to suddenly emboldened drug cartels.

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