The Craziness the Popeye’s Chicken Sandwich Has Brought


Staff Writer

Over two months ago Popeye’s had introduced a new item, the Popeye’s chicken sandwich, with many people hyping it up. After the release of many people love it even waiting in lines for hours to get there hands on the chicken sandwich. With the aftermath making the sandwich sold out in the world. Now after being gone for a little hiatus they have brought it back, but its now caused a bit of a ruckus with people wanting this sandwich. A day ago a women in Los Angeles ruined her car by sideswiping it after trying to get in line through the drive thru for the sandwich. She wasn’t cutting but simply merging from one of two drive thru lanes. By doing this she is ruining the paint job on her front door. After this had happened a Popeye’s worker came out telling the lady she will not be able to order the sandwich. 

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