Kingsburg Band Competition


Staff Writer

On November 9th, the El Diamante Marching Miners had a competition at Kingsburg High School. Before going, we had our morning rehearsal from 10-12:30, as we got many run-throughs of our show. After that, we were able to go home and rest. Everyone came to school at 3:45 and checked in, as we got ready to eat Mario’s Tacos; they were delicious. An hour later, we started to get on the buses, to head to Kingsburg. When we arrived, there were many other bands that were practicing. We got into our uniforms and unloaded our equipment, and warmed up with our sections. After warming up, we got in an ensemble and rehearsed our music. Around 8:30, we performed in front of many friends, families, and the judges. After performing, we sat in the stadium for awards. The judge had called out the bands for Class AAAA. El Diamante took sweepstakes in 4 categories: High Music, High Visual, High Auxiliary, and High General Effect. In our division, we had also gotten first place! Congratulations to all the Marching Miners for placing 1st in the Kingsburg Viking Class Competition. Up next, there is another competition this Saturday at James Logan. Wish our Marching Miners good luck for this weekend! 

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