E.L.D.S Continued 8 (Third Arc Soldier in District Twelve)


Staff Writer

The Rebel was finishing up his life story when several soldiers from district twelve showed up in the hospital. There were probably about thirty soldiers in the hospital building and way more out of the building. They surrounded his hospital bed and took out their guns all aiming at the Rebel. He didn’t move from the hospital bed. The rebel just sat there ignoring them. The soldiers weren’t given the order to capture and secure. It was a search and destroy mission and the Rebel was the target. 

I knew this was wrong. Killing someone that has been broken by this new society from the very beginning doesn’t deserve death. If he actually wanted to he could take on all the soldiers in the hospital and escape with his current strength.

“I ain’t dying to you weaklings! Thirty soldiers are all you brought? You should’ve brought the entire district!” the Rebel shouted as he stood up from the hospital bed. The soldiers took aim ready to fire.

“Enough! Stand down, soldiers!” I shouted, making the entire hospital quiet. 

“Leave. I’ll take full responsibility of the Rebel,” I said trying to convince the soldiers. They all looked around at each other and started to talk.

“But captain, he is the-” one of the soldiers tried to say before being interrupted.

“I SAID I’LL TAKE RESPONSIBILITY OF HIM! NOT UNLESS YOU WANT TO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ME TOO!” I angrily yelled at all the soldiers. Once they heard what I said they all left the room. 

“I don’t want your pity McArthur,” the Rebel said looking directly at me before trying to leave the hospital.

“It wasn’t pity. It was excitement. I plan to fight you again and prove no one can stand up to a captain. Until then we both got to stay alive in this world,” I said talking to the Rebel getting his attention. The Rebel left the hospital and also left the district. Without saying a word. 

“You think we’re gonna run into him again captain?” Orion asked me while walking around the district.

“That is a good question, Orion. It would be quite disappointing if we didn’t see our third partner to protect district twelve ever again,” I said answering Orion with a little chuckle in between. Orion looked at me with shock and confusion. Orion didn’t respond back to the comment I had just made. I was sure we would see him again. He might’ve not figured it out yet, but he is part of this team now. It is my duty as captain to search for a replacement for the Arc soldier that was taken out. I found the replacement to take his spot. The Rebel is our third partner to protect district twelve whether he knows it or not. I know I am not going to regret this decision.

A couple of weeks have passed since the day at the hospital. The Rebel hasn’t been seen since then which we all knew would happen. I was informed, today in the morning, that our fourth partner arrived but isn’t at the district. He was scoping out the wilder’s capitol from a safe distance. I was told he was carrying an unknown type of sniper which is probably the thing he is using to actually scope out the wilder’s base. I got a radio call from him as soon as I was told all the information. 

“Yajirobe Yamamoto at your service sir. I got something you need to see,” he said communicating to me through radio. I went into my office and set up my helmet to project a live stream to what Yajirobe was seeing through his helmet. The wilder’s were devoted to creating a type of portal at their capital. The portal was already complete and was about to be activated. A huge beam of light came from the portal shooting up straight to the sky. What came out was unidentifiable to anyone. Creatures wearing armor came from the portal. The wilder’s were bowing down as more of these creatures continued to come out of the portal. Then we saw a creature that had to be the leader. As soon as it passed through the portal the power that came with him was tremendous and filled with bloodlust. I felt the power all the way at district twelve that came with this creature. The leader put his arm out and stood there. I gave a thumbs down and seconds after hordes of creatures came rushing from the portal and started killing the wilder’s. The wilder’s put up a fight but was nothing against the creatures. The creatures coming from the portal were nonstop. Endless amounts of these creatures were passing through. In minutes they took over the entire main capitol from the wilder’s, leaving no survivors.

“APPROVAL TO TAKE OUT THE PORTAL CAPTAIN!” Yajirobe asked also trembling from what was taking place.

“APPROVED SOLDIER! TAKE IT OUT NOW!” I said giving him approval for destroying the portal. Yajirobe stood up and took aim at the perimeter of the portal. He took a shot that was faster than any bullet I’ve ever seen. It was a type of laser that destroyed anything in its path. A direct shot at the bottom left of the portal brought the entire thing down. He retreated right after the shot was taken. I turned the live stream off knowing he would make it back at the district. The wilder’s were taken out like they were nothing. We now have a new threat to take down and the power the leader gave off was terrifying. That was the power that would destroy all the captains if we were to fight together and try to take the threat out. I didn’t know what to do and didn’t know how to act. One thing was for certain. Giving up was something I refused to do. If the opponent was stronger than you than there was one thing to do. Get even stronger.

To Be Continued…..

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