Sami For Syria Campaign


Staff Writer

In Northwest Syria, there has been a horrible bombing attack. The bombings have left over 600,000 people without their homes and without a safe place to go. This left many injured and displaced. About 1,000 have even lost their lives in this attack. WWE superstar Sami Zayn has partnered with the Syrian American Medical Society, also known as SAMS, to form a non-profit medical clinic to victims of the crisis taking place in Syria. With the donations given to the campaign, SAMS and Sami For Syria are able to provide medical care to those in need of it and they can even save lives. Sami has launched this campaign once before. In 2017, Sami launched the same campaign and the goal was met. The medical clinic was open for over a year and they were able to provide about 11,000 different medical services to victims on the ground in Syria. Some services being life-saving. This campaign makes getting safe medical care easier for people being affected. A lot of medical facilities are being targeted and destroyed so getting medical attention is not only uneasy but extremely dangerous. Because of the aerial bombardment, many have been forced to unsafely sleep in their cars. Currently, there is a civil war taking place in Syria. This war has been taking place since March 15, 2011. Despite his appearance, Sami himself is Syrian. This all hits close to home because he is the son of Syrian immigrants. One thing also is that this outbreak of violence in Syria has gone long overlooked. Sami looks to do his best in raising about 50,000 dollars this time around. One effort he made was making a shirt for all of the pro wrestling fans that had a tale of the tape with him and his alter ego from before signing with the WWE. Those who purchased this shirt not only got a cool shirt but all proceeds went to Sami’s campaign. Other superstars have also contributed to the cause. Kevin Owens, Sami’s real-life best friend, donated in the thousands. Many superstars are supportive and have donated to Sami’s relief. If you want to donate t the cause and help save lives, go to for more information on what you can do to help those in need in Syria.

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