A letter to who?


Staff Writer

Changes sometimes won’t be great and then other times they can be amazing and life-changing. People change but that’s only to prove that life goes on. There’s always a tomorrow, tomorrow is always there to let you know that you can try again. Tomorrow Proves to you that giving up isn’t an option. Keep going. You are almost there. So to the person with it all. Situations you are currently in right now may seem like it’s going on forever but I promise, you are getting stronger and it will end soon. I may not know what you are going through, and you may think that I don’t understand, but I do. I understand you so much. You matter more than anything. Having a positive mindset is very important. Even though you may sit in your room late at night, crying your eyes out, wishing things could be different but they aren’t. Asking yourself “why me?” “why do I have to be sad?” when you really know the reason why but you just wish you didn’t.  Wishing and hoping you can cry tears of joy instead of crying because of how much pain you are in and how nobody notices it. I’m here. I notice your sadness. I notice how you wear the same hoodies every day. I notice how the funniest person in your class can’t make you smile. Even when people give you the most helpful words, you still feel hopeless. Don’t give up. You are almost there. I know this because I believe in myself.

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