Demon Slayer Review


Staff writer

This show by far has been the best show I have ever watched. Everything about this show, the plot, the animation, the music is amazing and really thought out for the first season of a show. The plot of this show is so good and so well thought, usually, plots of shows differ throughout the show and get boring but this didn’t get boring at all and always had me on my feet. Second, the animation, this part, in particular, was beautiful throughout the show, there would always be these moments where the animation changes and looks so nice. But the fight scene animations were the best part, they always had me on my feet, but they were beautiful. The animations for the fight scenes had me amazed. I loved every bit of the animation in the show and just want more. Last, but not least, the music; the music in this show was perfect and went with every scene there was music in, even though it doesn’t seem that big it made a big difference. The music just added feeling to the scenes and was always just really, really good. So overall I give this show a solid 10/10.

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