Random Acts of Kindness


Staff Writer

Have you ever wondered how amazing this world could actually be if we did nice things for each other every day? Spreading positivity has a way of showing people that there’s a better life out there waiting for us to seek. 

Random Acts of Kindness help us learn how to be respectful and help those who are in desperate need. Random Acts of Kindness gives us a reason to believe that there is kindness instead of being cruel. Sometimes I wonder why we call it Random Acts. But not everything can be explained. 

But there are creative ways to show kindness like giving people gifts, complimenting them, etc. It doesn’t need to be something big to be kind to people. To make someone smile today should be everybody’s priority. Sometimes just a reassurance will make someone’s day even better than before. 

In 2006 a study took place of the effects of a counting kindness intervention on subjective happiness. In study 1, participants were 175 Japanese undergraduate students and in study 2, participants were 119 women (71 in the intervention group and 48 in the control group). Results showed that: a happy person scored higher on their motivation to perform, and their recognition and enactment of kind behaviors. 

Kindness is not hard to do for everyone around the world. But we spend more time hating one another and filling our heads with cruelty and stand helpless instead of showing love to each other. Let’s come together and show the world what it means to be kind to each other, maybe it’ll change everyone’s perspective on life and help change the world once and for all.

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