A Herd Of Problems


Staff Writer

Reindeer are one of the most popular animals related to Christmas, but could that view be in danger? In Sweden, herds of reindeer that migrate through parts of the country have been left without their grazing land. This is due largely to climate change altering weather patterns and pressure from various industries to relocate the animals in order to profit on their land. To elaborate, when the rain freezes over too soon, food is trapped under the ice, causing reindeer to wander into unfamiliar territory. Here they risk starvation and attack. Furthermore, the grazing land that herders plan to move the animals to is experiencing deforestation by mining and forestry companies. The herds are in jeopardy of starving to death if reindeer herders are unable to find new grazing land.


Source: https://www.visaliatimesdelta.com/story/news/world/2019/12/10/climate-change-ice-weather-leaves-reindeer-starving-arctic-sweden/4383789002/

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