Staff Writer
With finals approaching in less than two weeks, the chaos of keeping grades up and studying 24/7 has begun. Now is the crucial time to make sure all homework assignments, projects, quizzes, and tests are completed to the best of students’ abilities. Every opportunity to higher grades by teachers should be taken complete advantage of. It might not seem worth it now, but come time for senior year, you will be wishing that you studied for that last final or even just turned in those few extra credit papers. Every extra point added to the grade books has the potential of changing a B in your grade books to an A. Being that finals week is so stressful, it’s also highly recommended that students start studying at least the week before in preparation for the following week. Treat yourself to a comfy and relaxing week of finals and pull up to school in pj’s and hot chocolate, I promise it’ll make the week ten times less terrible. Finally, contain the stress and tears. If you don’t do as well as you imagined, take a deep breath and study harder for your next final. What’s done is done and there’s no changing the grade you received. Escape the stress and STUDY, STUDY, STUDY!