Senior Attendance


Staff Writer 

Becoming a senior is one of the highlights of your whole high school experience. It’s the time where you get to look back at all the memories and accomplishments made. However, even though it may be the easiest part of high school, there are still a lot of rules regarding your senior year. For instance, senior attendance. In my opinion, coming to school 94% of the time for classes that don’t even benefit you is kind of pointless. To add to that, making 3 tardies count as one absence makes things a whole lot more difficult to accomplish. It’s understandable if you’re sick and miss a day so your parents call to excuse you, but it doesn’t count since you don’t have a doctor’s note. That’s right, your parents can call and excuse you but it won’t count unless you have a doctors note. All in all, senior attendance is taken far too serious for no reason. It is unfair in some circumstances. 

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