The Volcano Incident


Staff Writer

There was a volcano that erupted on Monday, December 9th, in New Zealand. The eruption happened on White Island, which was also known as the most active volcano in New Zealand. From the updates from two hours ago, the reporter stated that the police were finalizing their plans to recover the bodies that may have killed up to 16 people. They would start the process Friday morning, however, it is difficult and risky to start the recovery process right away. From the incident, there were about 47 people missing or dead. It is Thursday and the current time in New Zealand is around 8 P.M., and the police had stated that two young brothers who were hospitalized had died that morning, which increases the death count to 8. Many victims suffered from burns and were getting help from the United States to help treat their wounds. The officials had estimated that there was about a 50-60% chance that there could be another eruption in the next 24 hours. In the next 24 hours, the 6 patients from Australia were expected to go to their home country, as 21 patients were in burn units from all across the country. More news will be updated, as many are fighting from this tragic incident. 

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