One of three PART 2


Staff Writer 

I waited there, hiding from this thing hovering over me. After it finally flew off I checked my surroundings and when I knew it was clear I ran to my car and drove to the manor as fast as I could. I ran into the manor and locked the doors. I woke up and was relieved that it was just a dream. I realize that today is the day of my gram’s funeral. I showered, got dressed and ran downstairs to make some coffee. I started the coffee and my sister Phoebe comes down the stairs to eat some grapes and drink some coffee. Not long after my sister, Prue, comes down the stairs and gets herself a cup of coffee,  picks up the newspaper and sits down. Me and Phoebe get into my car and Prue takes her and we head off to the funeral. Time passes and we get home and we talk about all the memories we had with grams. We were closer than ever after that day. Our bond with each other was so much stronger. We all head to our rooms to sleep. The next morning Phoebe goes into Prue’s room and drags her to mine. She wakes me up with a huge old book in her hand. Prue asks her “what this is all about”. Phoebe continues to explain that she went up into the attic late last night because she heard something up there. I asked her “how did she get in the attic because that attic door has been locked since as long as I can remember”. Prue agreed with me and said, “and plus, grams said it was sealed off and she said we couldn’t go inside”. Phoebe was a little confused but brushed it off and continued to say “ well it was unlocked, so I went inside and there are so many old things in there”  “and when I was up there I noticed this huge old book and there were so many spells inside of it” I was so confused as to what she was saying and I think I couldn’t speak or both Prue and I asked her “ what are you talking about spells?” 

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