

Staff Writer 

    Pollution is taking place everywhere, but the worst cities are in India. The organisms that are being directly affected by pollution are sea turtles, whales, sea lions, sea birds, fish, dolphins, plants and many more. Humans can be indirectly affected by this if plants are being killed. Same with Orcas and Whales, Sharks with Sea lions, Killer Whales with Dolphins, etc. Humans are accelerating the problem by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, natural gas, and gasoline to produce electricity and power vehicles. Life could not exist on Earth without trees or plants. In the website (clean and greener) it states that lowering the environment acidity could kill plants. “We cause air pollution through our use of electricity fuels, transportation.” (weforum.org) “India has the world’s worst for outdoor pollution” Pollution means an environmental substance that has harmful or poisonous effects. There are currently many incredible organizations that are cleaning the oceans. One of them is the Surfrider Foundation that is working to protect and preserve the world’s ocean by focusing on water quality, coastal ecosystems, beaches access, beaches, and surf spots preservations. People can conserve energy, or use energy efficiently by using light bulbs and appliances. Students help out by using double-sided copies, turn off all lights and machines that are not in use which can conserve lots of energy. 

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