Miner Spirit Apparel Sold At CVS


Staff Writer

The other day my best friend took me to CVS to buy candy and energy drinks for my birthday. As we were in the checkout line, I spotted a rack towards the door. There were a couple of shirts, some ball caps, and some outstanding pairs of Miner Nation socks. My friend was kind enough to buy me a pair as I was beginning to ask him. I couldn’t find any other Miner spirit gear at our local stores, such as Walgreens, Walmart, or any other store that might have sold Miner apparel before. Throughout all of the negatives, there is one positive though. At least we know there is one place out there supporting our school’s community and spirit. No matter if it’s it’s a small CVS at the corner of the street or a huge five-star shopping center, I am both glad and proud of our community and their support for the students and athletes of El Diamante High School!

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