Anime Classifiers


Staff Writer

This may not be an issue in many people’s lives, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a heavily debated topic in others’. The definition of anime (when Googled) is a style of Japanese film and television animation, typically aimed at adults as well as children. The word anime is the Japanese blanket-term for animation. So anime is any cartoons made on the island country of Japan because that is their definition of the word. In America, it’s debated that any animated show is an “anime” because that is the foreign definition of the word. Albeit the word does mean “animation”, the word itself is Japanese. Therefore anime’s are only Japanese cartoons or shows that have the east-Asian style of animation. This does not include TV shows such as “The Amazing World of Gumball”, but there are western cartoons and animations that ARE anime-inspired. An example of this would be “Steven Universe” or “Avatar: The Last Airbender”, because of the obvious and exaggerated east-Asian features of the characters, as well as references to Japanese culture. The more you know, I suppose. Have a great first few weeks back Miners!

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