My Hero Academia Review


Staff Writer

My Hero Academia is a beautiful show with great animations and an amazing story plot. The story plot follows a kid named Izuku Midoriya who was born without any powers which were not normal in their society. All he wanted to be was a superhero when he was growing up but because he was born without powers it was very difficult and his dream was ruined. As he got older he did some heroic acts that got the eye of the most powerful superhero alive and Izuku ended up getting powers from him. He trained hard and defeated many villains because of his determination to succeed as the number one superhero. This show is very good because it makes me feel many emotions and I get really into it. Not many shows get me off my seat like this one does. I constantly look forward to watching this show because it never gets boring, there is always something that is important that is going on. So overall this show is very good and I recommend to anyone that wants to get started on anime it is a very good show that will hook you in instantly. So I give this show a 10/10 because of how good everything is about the show.

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