Reading and its importance


Staff writer 

Do you think reading should have no importance? In this case, it should have importance because if someone were to be going through a lot then reading a book can come in handy because reading can reduce stress by 68 percent. Not only can reading reduce stress but it’s also the fastest way to build vocabulary. Besides the importance of reading, a fact about books is that Harry Potter is the 3rd most read book in the world. According to it says when children have a home library as little as 20 books at a young age because not only will it impress other people, but it can help you for middle school or high school years. To also challenge yourself to see how many words you can read per year, then by reading 20 minutes a day, you’ll read 1,800,000 words per year. Reading is also the fastest way to build vocabulary. According to the same website it states “Children learn 4,000 to 12,000 words per year through reading.” Even though reading can be boring or you may think “useless,” it actually helps you more than you think.

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