US and Iranian Tensions on the Rise


Staff Writer

January 3, 2020, was only just the beginning of the new year and we have already sparked conflict with another nation. On January 3, Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani was killed by an American airstrike under the Trump Administration. Now major tensions have risen between the two countries, although there was claimed to be a valid reason for sending an airstrike according to President Trump who stated in an interview that there was a threat upon four different US embassies so action needed to be taken. This strike is still keeping troops stationed in Iraq as the US State Department believes it to be “appropriate” to keep them there. US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, stated that they never knew “precisely” where Soleimani was planning to attack. Now President Trump and his administration are under heavy criticism for these recent actions and not consulting Congress beforehand. However, they were not required to do so as this was categorized as an “imminent threat”. 

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