Progress in the Fight Against Global Warming?


Staff Writer

There hasn’t been much progress made in stopping global warming. The effects of it, I think, are more visible than they were. You cannot deny that this winter hasn’t felt like a normal winter. The weather changes from warm to cold and it is annoying. It is upsetting that it took so long for our trees to start dropping their leaves. It is upsetting that birds are still here, shouldn’t they have migrated by now? We are ruining our earth. No, we are ruining human survival because the earth will continue to spin. It’s the humans we should be worried about. We won’t survive much longer if we keep harming our earth. Our ice caps are continuing to melt, forests are burning, animals are close to extinction or already extinct, and we have done absolutely nothing. Sure, we can plant trees all day, but what will that really do if everyone else is continuing to throw plastic into the ocean. We need to do something major, something that every country will join in and won’t back out of. This is an international crisis and there are still global warming deniers. It is very upsetting to see those people act like nothing’s wrong, most of them are old and rich. They don’t care about our planet as long as their bank accounts are filling up. We are looking up to literal children, Greta Thunberg, and many others, to lead the way. The adults are sitting back and applauding her only when it benefits them. It’s a big problem, but who cares. It’s only the earth, our only planet, the only home we’ll ever have that’s being hurt. 

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