The Month of Love

By: Anellie Trujillo 

Staff Writer

What is love? It’s a question everyone wonders about. The dictionary says it’s an intense feeling of deep affection. But is that really how we feel about love? What does love mean to you? Does it mean having a strong connection to someone or feeling warmth and safe in someone’s arms? Love doesn’t always have to be about a special someone, it can be your love about sports, or your puppy, or maybe a childhood toy, or blanket that has given you comfort since you were a baby. Love is a feeling that personally makes me feel alive. Feeling love for someone or something makes me realize my mind is still working and my heart is still beating. Love can be shown or expressed in so many ways. By a kiss, hug, a warm touch, or simply caring words, loving words. Love is a universal language that we all experience. No matter who you are or what gender. February is a month where you can express these feelings and emotions. Tell that special someone, or friends, or something that you love them.

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