

Staff Writer

 Yoga was first heard of 5,000 years ago in Northern India.Yoga is commonly practiced in India as a form of spirituality, worship, and transcendence. In 1893 a religious teacher named  Swami Vivekananda came to Chicago for the Parliament of Religions at the World’s Fair. There he taught Americans the philosophies of yoga. Since then yoga has been extremely popularized and has become a $11.6 billion industry. From LuluLemon to Nike , it seems like everywhere you go advertisements for women’s clothes. If one goes to a yoga class in America you can find women and men alike dresses in tight aesthetically appealing outfits that match from head to toe, opposed to in India where you would just wear casual ,comfortable, everyday clothes. Aside from the differences, yoga is amazing for your body, mind, and spirit. I highly suggest trying it out, and if you are a student at El Diamante feel free to join the yoga club!

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