Students and Less Homework


Staff Writer

Should kids get less homework at school? I feel like students should get less homework because not only do we have to go to school and force ourselves to focus, but we have to face challenges that nobody knows about every day. Most kids often worry about what other kids think. Some kids may also have clubs to attend or practice for sports after school. Not only do we have to get up at a certain time to get ready but we have to go home many hours later and face family and home problems. Maybe some kids have to go home to abuse and starvation and all teachers worry about is how long you have to finish a test or an assignment. Students should get less homework on a daily basis because too much can cause a great amount of stress upon them. Stress also causes a lack of sleep, slipping grades, unhealthy eating habits, depression, and many other factors. Overall, students may potentially be better off without homework in terms of their health, but it’s just not possible with the education system.

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