One of Three PART6


Staff writer 

Phoebe and I went to Prue’s work and saw her talking to Andy. Andy is a detective and also Prue’s high school sweetheart. Andy has been a family friend since we were little. Andy finally left and me and phoebe started to talk to Prue but she seemed off. Phoebe called Prue out for acting strange and for some reason she snapped. She got really angry at Phoebe for asking and I don’t understand why. So I asked her “What’s going on with you? What aren’t you telling us?” Prue responds with “nothing! Absolutely nothing!” As soon as she finished that sentence the door to her office slammed shut. It startled all of us. “What the hell was that?!” Phoebe said. I walked over to the door, opened it, and walked out into the hallway to see who that was, but there wasn’t anyone in the hallway. I walked back into the room and I saw Phoebe and Prue still fighting I try to break them up and Prue pushes Phoebe. Phoebe goes flying in the air and doesn’t come back down. We were all freaking and had no clue how to get her down. 

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