Life Changes


Staff Writer

In life, we often make changes for the better of our society. We always want to make changes when it comes to our world and our future and our present days. There’s so much negativity in this world that we want to change the way this world thinks. We want to start focusing on positivity.

When we’re focusing so much on negativity in this world we just end up not wanting to go out or do anything because everything just sucks. Technology takes us over one by one and there’s nothing we can do and we’d rather spend time on technology than to spend time with family or go outside and play or anything else. 

But what if we can create social groups outside of everything and find activities that don’t include technology? We would have better friendships. We can talk about our lifestyles and learn from each other. We can find outside activities to do and learn to develop habits to spend more time off of our technology.

When we spend so much time on our technology we miss out on tons of opportunities that could’ve gotten us really far in life. But we spend so much time we don’t even go outdoors anymore instead we’d rather just stay home and surround ourselves with technology. We can change that when we come together and learn from one another. 

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