Late Night Guide


Staff Writer

It is currently 10:40 pm. I am laying on my bed, laptop resting on top of my lap, and writing to you all. I came home sick today from school and took a nap that will not allow me to sleep. So, considering I will also be missing tomorrow’s school day as well, I have decided to write about my personal tips to prevent sickness that I personally disregarded prior to my current state of poor health.

Tips: (not in order of importance)

  1. Always carry hand sanitizer with you, and use after contact with possibly infectious items/people. A good substitute would be to frequently wash your hands
  2. Remember to take your multivitamins, or at least gain all your necessary proteins from your meals
  3. Avoid being outside in the cold without sufficient clothing to protect you from the elements
  4. Do not put your feet into any form of natural water source if it is below 50 degrees fahrenheit outside
  5. Do not share drinks, food, or saliva with people who you know are sick because you “don’t care” if you get sick or not
  6. Drink warm tea with lemon and honey to soothe sore throat that could become worse if not cared for
  7. Avoid running around barefoot at odd hours of the night, or at any point when the outside temperature is considered cold 
  8. Refrain from over-exerting your body. An example would be not getting enough sleep or water and continuing to function without correcting it
  9. Don’t ignore the fact you are beginning to get sick because you believe “it’ll just go away on its own”. It’s better to be safe rather than sorry
  10. If you feel sick, please tell someone. Don’t suffer in silence

And that is all for this guide to preventing sickness! Stay healthy, sanitary, and well-rested, Miners! 

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