Locke and Key Review


Staff Writer

So a new show has been released on Netflix and it is Locke and Key. At first glance, I honestly thought that this was going to be a scary movie but was I wrong. It’s about a family moving into their dad’s house that he grew up in when he was little because he was sadly murdered. As they got moved in, right away there was something off about the house. There are magical keys in the house and each key contains a certain power. As the kids keep stumbling upon more keys an evil girl named Dodge shows up. Dodge soon goes after them and slowly takes key after key to become powerful. So far this show has been awesome to watch all the CGI is beautiful and very well done. Not only that is good, but the actors are phenomenal at their job playing it really well. I also very much enjoy the plot because it’s amazing to watch and constantly has me on my feet every episode because there is always something happening. So overall I give this show an 8/10.

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