The Last of Her Kind (1)


Staff Writer

Dragons are powerful, sacred and wise creatures. They are rare and highly sought after. That is why there was only one left. A Child. Though she was young, she had learned the ability to morph her form to fit in with society. She did not know where she came from, as her parents were only human; as were the rest of her family. But, she did not live her rare life in hiding. The Child, while hiding her draconic abilities, helped out those in her community. She actually made quite the name for herself. Alas, this fame caught the eye of those with ill intentions. The King of her Kingdom, a bloodsucker, a literal vampire, became suspicious. He was old and not stupid. The Vampire King grew up with dragons, he could pick them out easily. He could see through her disguise. The King had a plan to kill the Child, and take her power for himself. He was already the most powerful being in the Kingdom, but with the power of a dragon within him, he would be unstoppable. The Child knew not of the King’s plan to eliminate her as she accepted his invitation to stay in his castle. Though, she did ask if her family could stay as well, which the King happily obliged. Alas, the second she stepped into the castle and shook the King’s long, cold and pale hand, she knew something was off. She felt tethered to the place. A strong, almost unstoppable desire to remain. It was alarming to the Child. She just felt off…

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