The Last of Her Kind (2)


Staff Writer

…Soon, she was sneaKing down the halls, eavesdropping on the many conversations of his staff. Trying her best to figure out why she could not leave. Her family could leave as they pleased, yet she could barely step foot out into the courtyard, let alone exit through the main gate towards the village. Something was definitely wrong. Her desperate search for some answer grew restless until she decided to stalk the King himself. Thankfully, but also sadly, she overheard the King talKing about his plan to murder the young girl and absorb her power. She now realized he cast a binding spell on her that forced her to remain in the castle. Alas, one of the King’s guards caught her listening in and tried to capture her. She unfurled her large wings and quickly fled and hid in one of the many rooms of the large estate. At this point, she knew it was fight or die. The Vampire King already out-powered her easily, as she could hardly even shift into her full draconic form. She snuck into the room her parents stayed in and told them of the words she heard. They panicked for a moment but calmed as they realized they needed to hide their Child while also figuring out a way to escape…

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