It’s Been 5 Years Since “the Dress”


Staff Writer

On February 26, 2015, the picture that is “the dress” became a viral internet sensation. It gained overnight popularity instantly. Debates spread far and wide on many social media outlets, like Instagram and Facebook, as people tried to determine the real color of the dress. Things got so out of hand that it even reached many news stations worldwide, like Fox News, CNN, and internet media sites like Buzzfeed.

The picture right above is the original photo that was posted. Although the real colors of the dress has since been revealed to be black and blue, debates still happen to this day. And of course, they aren’t as often as they were 5 years ago, but people still seem to see this picture differently. 

Some photos that had spread around had been edited to show different color balances, like the contrasting photos above, leading to people either seeing blue and black or white and gold. But even in the original picture, people are split between seeing the 2 contrasting color sequences. So what color do you see?

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