Let’s Stop the Sexist Jokes Now


Staff Writer 

For years women have been dealing with misogyny that men have reinforced through social, economic, and political policies in our society. It’s nothing new and yet nothing old because the misogyny continues to happen and especially now with the sexist jokes that have become normal. Especially here on campus, so many sexist jokes go unnoticed without consequences. No, you cannot comment on my body or make a joke about the size of my female parts. Not only is it exceedingly inappropriate, but it also makes female students feel uncomfortable in a learning environment. The saying “boys will be boys” continues to be a phrase women hear far too often to excuse men’s actions but condemn ours. It circles back to the idea that women’s bodies are not up for objectification or commentary merely for existing as living, breathing human beings. Ladies, next time someone makes a joke that makes you feel awkward or puts you in an uncomfortable position, PLEASE REPORT! Whether it be to a teacher, administrator, or counselor, these jokes need to be recognized and stopped immediately. To create change, we need to speak up!

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