Month: February 2020

Dunkin Donuts

by PAYTON DAVIS  Staff Writer  Today, in Visalia, California, citizens are raving over the grand opening of the new Dunkin Donut shop on the corner of Mooney and Walnut right[Read More…]


by TANIA OLIVARES Staff Writer      Failure is a factor in life that everybody has to face. Not everything goes by how we wanted or intended it to be. But to[Read More…]

Man Stabs a Student

By GARRET ROBINSONStaff Writer On a night in October 2018, Jorge Morales and Jose Bosch, from Guatemala, were out at night drunk and looking for pizza when they stumbled upon[Read More…]


By BLAINE ROCHE Staff Writer From after and before, The black orb sprouted thin legs  And strode through the frozen gate. The bound serpents hissed and pulled Against their silvered[Read More…]

Good Times

By: BRIANNA RODRIGUEZ Staff Writer When it comes to good times in this world we all get very excited and we’re filled with excitement. We look forward to these events[Read More…]


By: BRIANNA RODRIGUEZ Staff Writer When it comes to music, we all have our favorite songs. Depending on our favorite songs we love them because they make us think of[Read More…]