The World of Doping


Staff Writer

Doping is common among athletes of all levels.WADA stands for World Anti-Doping Agency and was set in place to stop this practice amongst Olympic athletes. Athletes still find a way to cheat the system and dope. Many athletes get disqualified, stripped of metals, or records when caught doping. Athletes dope to heal faster, get stronger, go further. WADA’s doping procedure is rigorous but still, athletes find a way to cheat it.

At Olympic meets, WADA will randomly assign an athlete a chaperone of the same gender. The athlete will sign some papers to know their rights. Then the chaperone will stay with the athlete till WADA receives a urine sample of at least 90 ml. The chaperone will be in the restroom with the athlete to observe the urine sample isn’t fake or someone else’s. The athlete will then split the sample in two, A and B. This is so it can be sampled twice at athletes’ request. The two samples will be in special bottles in which the lid will have to be broken off to be tested to help prevent cheating to occur. 

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