Energy Drinks


Staff Writer 

Energy drinks are bad for you but sometimes can be good for you. Energy drinks are good for you because most of them, if not all, have or contain vitamin B which improves mood and can fight cancer and heart disease. Energy drinks are also good for you because they have Pantothenic acid which helps with allergies, stress, anxiety and skin disorders. There’s one more nutritious thing it provides that helps the body. Vitamin B6; which helps the body with cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems. There are quite a bit more delicious energy drinks that provide and make them healthy in many ways. Now I’m going to list some of the bad things these drinks bring to the table. One con is these drinks carry a lot of caffeine and sugar; more than what the body needs. A big con about these drinks is people use them to exercise which is not what they should be used for because they will dehydrate your body and can become addicting because of all the sugar and caffeine that they contain. P.S. watch out for high blood sugar from these drinks.

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