Coronavirus Outbreak Begins to Cripple US Economy and Trade with China


Staff Writer 

Now one month into this deadly viral outbreak classified as COVID-19, we are beginning to see the issues it is creating in our nation’s economy and how other people around the world are being affected by it. Northwestern food manufacturers and shipping personnel are being hit the hardest within the US in terms of trade. With China clamping down on its own exports along with other countries importing goods to the country, it has left hundreds of shipping containers physically waiting on the shipping docks of China. Ships are even sitting idle in the water waiting to unload their own shipments. Without China letting in American imports, it has damaged their own businesses causing owners to cut back on their employees’ salaries and force them to work fewer hours. On top of that, locally grown food in the US sells for much less than it does in China, in turn, harming the growers and the US economy itself. Currently, over 100,00 global cases of the COVID-19 virus have been reported. At this rate, it shows no signs of slowing down and the global economy has felt this in more ways than one.

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