Coronavirus in the US


Staff Writer

Yesterday, the remainder of the NBA season was suspended, due to Utah Jazz center contracting the coronavirus. Just days before, Gobert jokingly touched all the microphones and tape recorders during an interview. With most teams having less than 20 games to play, playoffs were set to start in mid-April. The indefinite suspension of the league has particular importance for Vince Carter. In his 22nd season, he was set to retire after this season. So you can imagine how heartbreaking this is, that he can’t finish out his last season. He entered the game in the final seconds to drain a three-pointer. In addition to Rudy Gobert having the virus, another Jazz player, Donovan Mitchel,l also has it. Paranoia is spreading all over the country, due to mass media. People are going into stores and buying all the hand sanitizer, and weirdly at Costcos, people are buying out all of the toilet paper and water. In addition, several colleges across America, have shifted to online courses, and have shut down their main campuses. Although most people who stay clean should not worry, as the people at risk are mainly the elderly with pre-existing conditions.

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