What it Means to be A Teenager


Staff Writer

Being a teenager is a part of everyone’s life. For some this experience is the peak of their life, while for most it is the lowest of the low. But what does being a teenager mean? In the literal sense, it is the age of when you are 13 to 19. However it means much more: It means being stressed out from school, enjoying time with close friends, and having the idea that nothing can hurt oneself. 

As a teenager, school is one of the most boring and time-consuming activities. An average teenager is often overwhelmed with school work and they are forced to somehow keep their grades up. For someone whose brain is still developing this is too much pressure to handle and is a major cause for why students give up and stop trying in school. Although school is way too stressful for teens, it allows them to meet new people and try new things. School is one of the many foundations for the teens and it ultimately reflects how they will be later in life. 

Friends are one of the most important relationships to have during the teenage years. The closest of friends help comfort and support even at the worst of times when there seems to be no hope. For teens, when they are not doing schoolwork or doing nothing at all the next big thing is hanging out with friends. Teens are heavily influenced by the people that they choose to hang out with by using the same phrases, mannerisms, and even with the way they look. Friends are everything for teenagers. It is one of the most important things a teen needs since it helps them when they are feeling lonely or other related feelings. 

From the day kids turn thirteen, they think they are this big, bad teen that has all this power but in reality, they are nothing. The idea of being invincible becomes apparent especially during the beginning years of their teenage life. Everyone goes through this, they think nothing can hurt them and they become extremely reckless, but also become vulnerable too. During this time of vulnerability, they become weak and need help from others. When teens gain this mindset they need to be humbled because this will eventually lead them down the wrong path. 

Teenagers. It is one of the hardest yet easiest times of one’s life, but it only gets harder past this. Being a teenager means to be free and stressed out every minute of the day. Our lives as teens are what makes people who they are and build their characteristics for who they are going to be in their adult life. 

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