A Brief Update of 2020 Presidential Candidates: Donald Trump and Joe Biden


Staff Writer

 With the election right around the corner, politics has been a large and controversial topic especially these last few months. As the political war between Joe Biden and Donald Trump continues, so seems the disputes between the two political parties. As Joe Biden continues to stand for racial equality, and face issues concerning the Coronavirus, Donald Trump praises police, attempts to shut down the post office, and very recently, encourages North Carolina to illegally vote more than once. Here’s a quick update of what’s recently going on in the 2020 presidential election.

As the presidential candidate Donald Trump dismisses questions relating to his own health, he mocks his opponent, Joe Biden, for wearing a mask in this nation-wide pandemic. In Trump’s words during the Pennsylvania rally on September 3rd, regarding Biden he states, “but did you ever see a man who likes a mask as much as him?”. He seems to outwardly pick fun at the fact that Biden continues to wear his mask, or let it hang from his ear even while speaking. Days before this Biden spoke to Pittsburgh, where he addresses the virus, and the issues concerning it, including unemployment and the many deaths resulting from it. He then goes on to talk about Trump and his plans, in his words, “what about Trump’s plan to destroy the affordable care act…does that make you feel safer? Or how about Trump’s plan to defund social security?”. Through his words, Biden makes it clear that he cares about the health and the lives of the American people, and uses Donald Trump’s plans to prove his point; that under Trump’s presidency we are not safe.

Regarding the recent Black Lives Matter protests going on throughout the nation, both candidates have very different views. During the Pennsylvania rally Trump states “I’ll bring rioters and looters, violent extremists, anarchists, [and] we will bring them to justice, that’s what we’re doing right now. We have over 400 right now under arrest. These are bad people”. This gives a very clear idea of where Donald Trump stands on the matter himself. From his words, Trump appears to deny any fault in the justice system and show racism and prejudice towards people of color, by using derogatory terms and standing against this movement. Biden however, in the Pittsburgh speech he made on August 31st, states “now, we have to stand against violence, in every form it takes. Violence we’ve seen again, and again, and again of unwarranted police shooting, [and] excessive force”, he then also goes on to state that the violence and looting doesn’t have any relation to protesting, and it should end. He says, “he (Trump) can’t stop the violence because for years he’s fomented it…his failure to call on his own supporters to stop acting as an armed militia in this country shows how weak he is”. Biden goes on to declare that all of us deserve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, emphasizing on the word “all”.

Donald Trump then talks about what he has done throughout his term as president. He states that he has secured borders, fixed broken trade deals, rebuilt the military,  secured America’s energy independence, and “built the single greatest economy in the history of the world”. Which contradicts BBC News’ article stating, around 60-70 years ago, there were economic growth rates that were much higher than the average during Trump’s presidency. Trump has also done many other prominent things during his presidency, including attempting to defund the post office, in an effort to limit Americans ability to vote through mail. And more recently, suggested to the people in North Carolina that they should vote not only once, but twice as he stated, “So, if you have an absentee ballot…you send it in…[and] go and follow it and vote”. Biden in his speech just days before Trump’s speech in Pennsylvania stated he wants a safe America, that he wants to protect our country, as he believes Trump failed to do so. He also explains that we must address the issue of racial injustice and unite the nation. He goes on to describe Trump’s actions and frequently asks the question, “Do you really feel safe under Trump?”

Thats an important question to ask yourself: do you feel safe under Trump as the president of your country? It is our right as Americans to vote for our leaders, and it’s important that we take advantage of this right. So if you are of age, please go and vote. Do some research of your own, apart from this short article, take that information and vote for who you think is most qualified to lead this country, and to keep us safe. 

BBC Article I referred to: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-45827430 

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