Man of Science, Mr. Helin


Staff Writer

As the 2020-2021 school year kicks off with online schooling and countless hours of lessons, assignments, and homework given out through various online platforms, new teachers have arrived at El Diamante to give it their all with helping their students learn in a virtual setting. Although learning and teaching for students and teachers respectively is different and new for everyone for the start of the school year, El Diamante’s teachers are ready for the challenge of helping students learn in a virtual classroom setting. One of these new and special teachers who is now teaching full time as a biology teacher is none other than Mr. Helin, who will share many facts about teaching and a few facts about his life as well.

What made you decide to become a teacher? 

“I come from a family of teachers and have always enjoyed helping out.  In college I gave tutoring a shot and loved it.  That same year I changed my college plans around so that I could become a teacher.”

How long have you been teaching? Were there any other schools, grade levels, or subjects that you taught?

“This is my second year of strictly teaching.  Before this I subbed for two years as well as did my student teaching while I got my credentials.  Before EL D Biology, I taught Science 8 at Divisadero Middle School.”

What is it you love about the subject you teach?

“Biology is a massive field by its very nature.  It is the study of life.  We could talk about the environment, animals, food, disease, ecosystems, and so much more.  This is the reason I love it. It can be adapted to talk about almost anything.  Every day in class can be new and different which is amazing.”

How do you feel about distance learning/teaching? 

“While I definitely do not prefer it over in person teaching, I do believe that it is necessary so that we can help keep everyone healthy.   I have no problems with continuing distance learning for as long as it takes to get a handle on COVID-19.”

Do you have any special hobbies? What do you do after work to relax?

“I like to think that I’m an outdoorsman.  I do a lot of hiking, camping, and fishing. I’m big into cars and everything about them.  I also think of myself as being a little “nerdy”.  I love Star Wars and Marvel (probably too much) and enjoy building computers.”

 Is there anything else that you would like to let us (The Dig) know?

“I am always available to help students out with their classes.  And, if I can’t help, I will find someone who can.”

This 2020-2021 year will be an amazing challenge for new teachers, veteran teachers, and staff at El Diamante to help students learn as much as they can for the purpose of success outside of high school. A round of applause must be given to individuals such as Mr. Helin who bravely took on the challenge of educating students in these unprecedented times. Go Miners!    

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