My Interview of Mr. Evans


Staff Writer

Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Evans, our new AP United States history teacher. This is his seventh year of teaching. Previously he taught “7th grade World History, 8th grade United States History, and 7th and 8th Grade Leadership”. 

His favorite subject to teach is history, but he also enjoys directing student activities as well, “It is a lot of fun to see all of the hard work students have put in to make an event successful and to see students grow as leaders and young adults”. 

When I asked what led him to become a teacher he responded “​I wanted to become a teacher to help improve the community of Visalia; the community where I grew up and live”, which is a very admirable source of motivation to do anything. Mr. Evans graduated with his Bachelors of Arts in History in 2012, and received his teaching credentials in the Fall of 2013, both from Fresno State college.

Like many of us, Mr. Evans is also struggling with the new programs COVID-19 has forced into use. Specifically, “all of the new processes and platforms we are using everyday in class. It is also very challenging not being in the classroom in person with students,” and all of us can agree. 

In his free time, Mr. Evans enjoys playing Saxophone, “mainly Bari Saxophone, and Bass Clarinet. I have played Saxophone since I was in 5th grade at Crestwood Elementary. I have played in Musicals for Golden West, Mt. Whitney, and El Diamante”.

His one piece of advice for our student body is  “…do not be afraid to get involved. There are a lot of things that you HAVE to do as a student. With that being said, there are A LOT of opportunities at El Diamante to have A LOT of fun. Go to sporting events, support your classmates in competition,, no matter their record.  No matter the outcome of the game, competition, or event, those memories that you create then will be some of the memories that you will remember forever as some of your fondest memories”. 

Have a great day, and GO MINERS!

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