One Person Every 40 Seconds Dies From Suicide


Staff Writer

There are 60 seconds in a minute, 40 of those seconds resolve in death. Not just any death suicide. People may not know very much of this topic and it is very sad. This month is suicide prevention month which is the only month where people like influencers, celebrities, and even most families actually talk about suicide. The same thing happens with cancer awareness month and even black history month for that manner. The people who die because of suicide are selfish because that isn’t fair to the people who love and care about them. The victims are depressed and even scared of their family homes but there are teachers, family, friends, and even doctors who will listen. You may not like the fact that they want you to stay alive but in the future you will see it for the better. It isn’t something that people should be considering, what they should be considering is how it will affect the people who are around them. My cousin, Gloria Dolores Landin, took her life February 21, 2017. It wasn’t fair to all her family, friends, and teammates who cared about her very deeply. I remember that day like it was yesterday, having to find out that she was just gone. At first I didn’t believe it was true, it just didn’t seem real to me. To this day she is still honored and remembered. If you ever have suicidal thoughts then you need to tell someone because there is always someone there to help you whether it’s millions of people or even just one. Don’t take people or your own life for granted it just isn’t fair. If you are having a tough time then call 800-273-8255 or find someone you trust no matter who it is. It’s better to lift all of the weight off of your chest than to do something really selfish and immature. Suicide is never something you do out of pity or you joke about, remember that.

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