Splash Mountain is Dead


Staff Writer

As usual, whenever a change comes to the beloved Disney parks, the fans will either be excited or furious. This past summer, Disney announced that they will be re-theming one of their most iconic rides, Splash Mountain. They stated that they would be making it into a ride about the movie The Princess and The Frog. As always, Disney fans were divided. Many grew up with this ride and could not bear losing their animal friends in this ride. On the flip side, many were excited to see this amazing movie and princess get her own ride. For the most part, people believed that Disney was changing Splash Mountain because of the rising tension in the world with the Black Lives Matter Movement. For those who do not know, Splash Mountain is based on the movie Song Of the South, which to some is racist in the way it depicts African Americans and almost glorifies plantation life back in the Civil War Era. However, Disney stated that they had been planning this change for over a year. Whether the Black Lives Movement caused the change or pushed Disney executives to go with the plan is uncertain. Nevertheless, it is sad to see a classic ride go. However, other than the giant drop and catchy song at the end, the ride is kinda boring. With that being said, Disney tends to surprise its fans (positively and negatively), whenever they create something new. So, till the ride and parks open, I think people should keep an open mind.

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