Chinese Virologist


Staff Writer

Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a Chinese virologist, claims that the Chinese government purposefully created and released the Corona Virus upon the world. She worked in the World Health Organization’s lab in Hong Kong and claims that more proof that the virus was created on purpose is coming but she should be trusted due to her high ranking position at the lab. Her opinion is conflicting with other people including Dr. Anthony Fauci who stated back in May that it is strongly leaning towards being not artificially created. However, some scientists are now believing that it truly is a bio weapon. Slowly as the months went on China blocked overseas experts from coming over to their country to conduct research which is making it harder to get information. In addition to this Facebook and Instagram put a warning on her video, and Twitter flat out suspended her account after her accusations, but until we get more information we can’t be sure whether she is correct about this.

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