Missing Trial Defendant Pleads Guilty

By KAYLA SAARE        

Staff Writer

Ryan Michael Bare pleaded guilty to all offenses after missing the first two days of his jury trial. These offenses were drug delivery,possession,criminal conspiracy and related charges. Bare explained that the reason he pleaded guilty was because he is guilty. Bare’s drug related offences date back to 2004 when he was 19 years-old. There was a search warrant executed one day after Bare sold heroin with fentanyl and ecstasy to a confidential informant that was working with police.

Police found 579 stamp bags of heroin,3 grams of raw heroin,a gram of crack cocaine,a Smith & Wesson handgun and $2,669 in cash. Some of the drugs and the handgun were found under Bare’s mother’s bed. He acknowledged having his mother hold drugs for him so he had drugs to sell. Bare agrees he did this to keep himself from using the drugs. Police also charged his mother with drug offenses that are still pending in county court.

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