Defining a Conservative


Staff Writer

Unless you already consider yourself a Conservative Republican, you are very likely to not know exactly what the term implies. Conservatives are typically people who believe in “traditional American values” like the ones presented in the U.S. Constitution. They are often opposed to gun control and are all for traditional family virtues. They aim to preserve social stability, religion, parliamentary government, property rights, and other ideas within this realm. Due to their strong belief in family values, they are also commonly against abortions. A meme to imagine when thinking of Conservatives is: “All the Conservatives are hiding in the bushes right now, away from the Democrats”, typically followed by an image of the American flag or a Republican figure hiding behind a bush (all in the name of laughs). Oftentimes we all take our beliefs too far in one way or another, and it leads to so much unnecessary strife. The most important ideas when dealing with emotionally-motivated politics is to always be well informed before you get into a political debate, never choose a “side” based on others opinions even if opposing them is terrifying, and remember that you don’t have to voice your opinion if it’s unsafe to do so. Stay informed, stay safe, and Go Miners! 

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