Female Replacement is of the Utmost Importance


Staff Writer

On September 18, 2020 an advocate and voice for women’s rights on the Supreme Court passed away. Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) was the second female to join the Supreme Court, and the longest female to stay as a justice in history. After Ginsburg’s passing there is now a 3/4 male dominated Supreme Court, meaning that it is indubitably important for Ginsburg to be replaced with a female justice. President Donald Trump had a list completely male dominated, until her passing and now has a completely female dominated list. Is there a coincidence here? Is this a publicity stunt to try to make women feel like their rights will still be protected when he’ll likely place a male in her place? Let’s say that is the case, and he does replace Ginsburg with a male counterpart. What would this mean? Well rather than a 3/4 male dominated supreme court it would become a 7/9 male dominated court, making women fear that their rights will become endangered. With a 7/9 male dominated Supreme Court without the legendary “RBG” present, female rights could start to miror those from in the past, and it could start to revert back into it’s anti-feminist ways. So, just keep in mind that it is so important that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is only replaced with a woman who is strong-minded and determined, just like “RBG” always had been in everything she did.

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